Fashion Design
Child and Family Studies
Mechanical Engineering Technology
No surprise that the most useless majors are also some of the easiest. The only one I don’t quite understand is chemistry since isn’t that easy. I also wonder where these majors all have similar political viewpoints. I don’t see finance, accounting, economics, engineering, or any other serious subject on here. Don’t get me wrong even within business majors there within business that are a joke (marketing) and I hear civil engineering is the easier of the engineering.
These degrees create very little value and should signal to students that not only would they be wasting four years of their lives majoring in these subjects but even really wouldn’t be able to get a job. Schools in general should focus on teaching job skills that are worthwhile to employers and not worry about having fancy gyms or hotel like dorm rooms. True all of these things look nice but do they increase academic excellence?
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