Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I am very fortunate to have discovered EconTalk. EconTalk is usually a one hour podcast with Dr. Russell Roberts, professor of economics at George Mason University. Recently EconTalk celebrated its 200 episode. I must confess I have listened to nearly half of these podcasts. The podcasts usually focuses on an economic issue, current book, or current issue that can be related to economics. Some podcasts can be technical but nearly all of them can be listened to by the average learner. I say average learned because I don't necessarily think that the average person always wants to learn. What is really interesting is how Dr. Roberts has a clear and concise way of shorting out the information and making it digestible to the listener.

When I was trying to research information about Dr. Walter Williams I came across an old EconTalk podcast and immediately became hooked. One of my favorite EconTalk guests has been Richard Epstein. Epstein has the ability to talk for very long periods of time in complete sentences and paragraphs. Other fun guests have included Mike Munger, John Cochrane, and Bryan Caplan.

Some guests I would like to see on EconTalk would be Niall Ferguson (history of money), Jeffrey Miron (legalization of drugs), and John Lott Jr (crime and economics). The show does a great job of applying economics to many categories and is very informative. I could see very practical application of EconTalk to any economics class. Let’s not forget knowledge is power!

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