Sunday, July 28, 2013

U.S. Post Office, Unions, and Realtor Interest Groups Give More To Politicians Than Koch Industries

What is quite amazing is when I hear that the Koch brothers and Koch brothers are influencing politics. The Koch brothers could spend $100 billion on political races however at the end of the day people will vote their own way. Votes can't be "bought".

When examining the actual data from 1989-2012 from it seems as if Koch Industries is no where near the top in terms of political contributions. Anyone who watched MSNBC, read the New York Times, or listened to Ed Shultz on the radio would think otherwise. In fact Koch Industries only gave $17 million in a 23 year period. This Palm Beach Post article talks about how David Koch gives more to charity than to politics on a scale of 4-1.

I don't even hear Fox News covering the fact that unions are donating large amounts of money to politicians. Democrats and Republicans are in the same business they just have different friends.

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