Sunday, July 1, 2012

Top Ten Free Market Ways to Fix Healthcare in America

 Here are my top ten ways to fix healthcare in America...

1. Allow drugs that pass Phase I testing from FDA to be used by patients and allow them and their doctors to determine if they are effective. This will dramatically reduce the price and number of people suffering since many of the costs occur in Phase II and Phase III (and there are even costs are the drug is approved Phase IV). Allowing patients to experiment and share information with others will work wonders in understanding how drugs affect the body to see if they really work. No two bodies are alike.
2. Get rid of the deductibility of health insurance for corporations. Health insurance is a benefit that employees get for working for a company. Companies get a deduction for this however employees really are stuck with whatever plan their company has and if the employee leaves their healthcare benefits are lost as well. A better solution would be for companies to give the employees the compensation as cash and allow them to go out and negotiate individual policies which would allow employees to carry their insurance wherever they go. The market would allow people to buy insurance policies against pre-existing conditions as well
3. Get rid of the AMA (American Medical Association) and their cartel. The AMA restricts who can become a doctor and who can’t become a doctor which drastically increases the cost of healthcare
4. Allow nurses to see and treat patients
5. Remove the barriers to entry regarding opening privately owned hospitals.
6.  Allow insurance companies to sell across state lines. Premiums would no doubt decrease if this happened as insurance companies have so much paperwork and costs related to complying with each every state’s insurance law
7.  Reduce the regulations and barriers to entry regarding getting into the insurance business. How many new insurance companies have there been in the past 5 years?  Allowing more insurance companies into the game would increase the number of options and reduce prices
8. Legalize the use of medical marijuana in order so the health benefits can be studied.
9. If people want free healthcare they must trade their medical information for the government to study in order to get free healthcare. The government can then study that information and share with medical researchers, doctors, and the public.
10. Allow the United States to import doctors from other countries 

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