Monday, May 21, 2012

Mark Holden General Counsel for Koch Industries on MSNBC

General counsel for Koch Industries Mark Holden recently went on MSNBC and talked to Martin Bashir and was asked questions by Bashir about Charles and David Koch’s involvement about ALEC’s involvement in the Trayvon Martin shooting. Did Bashir think Charles and David Koch were spokesmen for the organization simply because they donated money? I thought Holden handled the questions pretty well. Bashir really did seem to have many loaded questions with false premises.
Many people in the media seem to blame ALEC for the Trayvon Martin shooting when in fact. The Florida “Stand Your Ground” law was passed in 2005  yet I don’t remember hearing a mention of the Koch brothers from the mainstream media until 2008. What is really curious is how is when private citizens donate to money to a charity or organization they somehow have to agree with every single principal that the organization or charity stands for. The same could be said for politicians. When people vote for politicians essentially they are voting for a basket of goods. What is also interesting is that somehow people seem to think that the Koch brothers run ALEC, Americans for Prosperity, and Club for Growth, when in fact these gentlemen spend the majority of their time running the company. Yes, the Koch brothers donate money however my question would be what percent of their money makes up all donations? Americans for Prosperity has 1.9 million members. Club for Growth also has Thousands of Members.
I wouldn’t mind seeing Charles Koch or/and David Koch on television for an interview to really explain their belief in free markets and freedom. Also a autobiography would be great and really settle many of the misconceptions people have about the Koch brothers. Of course, both of these gentlemen are very busy. As Holden pointed out the Koch brothers work basically every day of the work. As Walter E. Williams would say “The rich didn’t get rich by being stupid”.

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