Today, Ron Paul announced he would not seek reelection in the U.S. Senate. Ron Paul is probably my favorite politician of all time. What I like about Ron Paul is how he sticks to his principles of limited government and more liberty. Usually even when people select a candidate they have issues with them. Ron Paul is different however. I really don’t think there is any policy issue I disagree with him on. What I am surprised at is that even people like Bill Maher were okay with Ron Paul. Democrats seem to like him because Paul was against going into Iraq and Afghanistan from day 1. In addition to this, Paul is liberal on social issues however once democrats hear his ideas on the Federal Reserve and free markets they are turned off. In a strange way, it seems as if libertarians should be more in favor because people seem to not like both the Republican and Democratic Party. I always say that the libertarian party is the best of both worlds. I use to be a Republican because I was for less government but as I grew older I tended to realize that what politicians say and do are completely different. Also I started to realize that conservatives tended to not look at the evidence when it came to social issues and just used religious beliefs or what they thought was right instead of looking at the evidence.
It seems as if politicians no matter what political affiliation move to the left or right of what they say they will do once they are in office. The main reason I believe for this is political pressures. Ron Paul is the only candidate I believe that wouldn’t cave in to these pressures. Although this is hard to prove because even though I support Ron Paul I am wise enough to realize he will never become president.
I think Ron Paul’s lasting impact will be his fight for more transparency with the Federal Reserve and his strong commitment to defending liberty. Hopefully future candidates will be inspired by Ron Paul and use some of his ideas in the future.
"Paul is liberal on social issues"... hahaahuaue lmao.