With news of David Koch passing yesterday it seems as if some people on social media and elsewhere are cheering the fact that David Koch passed away. My own view is that social media has allowed a small percentage of individuals write awful, vile, and hateful things (I don't think this should be regulated though as I believe in the first amendment of free speech). These types of things in my view have led us to a more uncivil society. Years ago even when someone passed away bitter political rivals would recognize the passing of that individual and offer condolences to the remaining family members. These days it seems as if you dislike someone and their political views you need to at least do the equivalent of give them the middle finger with an f* you so everyone knows how you really feel.
Actress Bette Midler first incorrectly retweeted that Charles Koch had passed when in reality younger brother David Koch had passed. Actor Ron Perlman was wishing for a "speedy reunion of the Koch Brothers" (his post has since been removed). Actress Alyssa Milano said "celebrating a man's death while fighting to abolish the death penalty is a bad look for democrats/human". Actually I can't even find any evidence to remotely support this. As I type this 16,000 individuals have retweeted Ms. Milano's comment. Comedian Michael Ian Black who said on Twitter "in lieu of flowers, the family of David Koch requests that mourners simply purchase a Republican politician". Actor George Takei mentioned that "you have all the money in world but it can't change the ending. Do good in the world with your time on it. That is all I will say". It is interesting how people that didn't know Mr. Koch made such statements. If they even bothered looking at the actual evidence or data they clearly would realize what they said is not inaccurate but factually incorrect.
Comedian Bill Maher said on his show Real Time last evening that he was glad David Koch passed away and hope the end was "painful" for him. In his comments Maher mentioned that Koch passed away "yesterday" which is factually incorrect as Maher's show is live on Friday night and David Koch passed away Friday morning. I have watched Bill Maher for years and although I don't agree with him politically he does make some good points at times. Also what is ironic is that Bill Maher used to consider himself a libertarian at one point and would favor many of the same thing David Koch favors (legalizing drugs, legalizing gay marriage, a non interventionist foreign policy, criminal justice reform). Maher over the years has invited people with all types of political views on his show and usually is one of the few progressives that do. You would think Mr. Maher would be more tolerant than he was.
It should be pointed out that for years David and Julia Koch have attended many social functions with people in Hollywood and a different spectrum of the political aisle then they are. There are photos of Julia Koch with Naomi Watts, Glenn Close, Sarah Jessica Parker, even chef Emeril Lagasse. So even though David and Julia Koch may hold different viewpoints than some there are other actors/actresses that still have gotten along with them despite possible political differences.
David Koch believes that global warming would actually be "good for the earth" since "A far greater land area will be available to produce food". He goes on to say that "lengthened growing seasons in the northern hemisphere will make up for any trauma caused by slow migration of people away from disappearing coastlines...the earth will be able to support enormously more people because a far greater land area area will be available to produce food". Brother Charles Koch when asked about climate change in a 2017 interview by Stephen Dubner points out that despite all the projections of disaster there has not been the catastrophe that people have predicted on climate change. Charles is open to idea that if there is a risk what is the best way to fix it. To Charles "the answer is innovation, these policies that has U.S. government has, others have proposed or promulgated have just been symbolic. They have essentially made no difference. The EPA has said this". I would say that Charles and David Koch most likely are willing to accept that there is climate change but they would probably ask what is the cost and benefit for taking action today? They I believe would both be in favor of free market solutions to reducing pollution (trying to create efficiencies to reduce the amount of resources used thus reducing pollution or using technology
It should be pointed (as I did in this post) out that the world wouldn't be as clean if Koch Industries didn't exist. Between 1997-2012 Flint Hills Resources (a subsidiary of Koch Industries) reduced its emissions by 76% and their emissions were 38% lower than peer refiners for 2012. The Flint Hills Resources refinery in Rosemont, Minnesota from 1997-2006 decreased emissions of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, and sulfur dioxide by 53%. Lastly Koch between 1995-2000 was able to reduce their pipeline leaks by 92% (it should be pointed out that in 1996 teenagers Danielle Smalley and Jason Stone passed away from a pipeline that Koch owned that was passing liquid butane through the pipeline-although this was a very unfortunate incident Koch would spend millions of dollars upgrading their pipelines with software, fiber optics cables, and a power supply that was uninterrupted). Koch generally reinvests 90% of their profits back into the business to make their processes and systems more efficient which in turn leads to less waste/pollution. Although, Koch hasn't been perfect on their environmental record they consistently have been improving the safety and efficiency of their equipment and reducing pollution with the use of technology.
Maher seems to focus on the environment issues though but Mr. Koch has done more to to help the environment that Mr. Maher (his only contribution to the environment has been smoking pot). For instance Koch produces toilet paper (cleaner in the backside), paper towels (cleans up messes humans create, Koch Industries sells pollution control equipment to reduce pollutants. In fact David Koch as far back as 1980 he would divide his weekends by either skiing or studying pollution control designs in the office. Most importantly Koch Industries has a division that David Koch was in charge of called Koch Chemical Technology which has it's own subsidiary called Koch Membrane that develops and helps companies and municipals filtrate and purify water. Koch would create advanced systems that could take dirty polluted water with iron, bacteria, silt and turn it into colorless, crystal-clear drinking water. Koch even developed products that desalinize water (remove the saltine from water) and then turn it into water that is consumable by humans or can be use by farmers for irrigation. David was so passionate about water desalination there is an article where he discusses the merits of a new product Koch develops a large diameter membrane that is integrated and smaller than existing systems that will help companies purify water at a reduced cost.
Mr. David Koch contributed his time, energy, and resources to different medical institutions over the years (around $400 million between 1998-2012). This doesn't even include the $150 million he gave in 2015 to Memorial Sloan Kettering through the David H Koch Charitable Foundation. He gave to institutions like Memorial Sloan Kettering, New York Presbyterian Hospital, MD Anderson Cancer Center. I might add that these gifts were never focused on only improving the health for just conservatives but the funds were used to improve the quality of life of many different people: from different backgrounds, races, and socioeconomic classes. He also gave $100 million to the New York State Theater which again benefited many different people. Also he gave $65 million to the New York Met in 2014. People forget that Mr. Koch chose to gave this money and could have decided to give away nothing.
It has been known for many years that Mr. Koch has given to organizations that are "right-winged". Often times people mention something is "Koch-funded" and associate whatever views the organization has to whatever Mr. Koch believes. It would be almost impossible for David Koch to hold the exact same view for every organization he supports. At his core he is a libertarian and simply believes that people should left alone, the size and scope of government should be limited to allow people to maximize peace and prosperity and allow individuals to realize their full potential. To me this doesn't sound as harmful as liberals make Mr. Koch out to be.
Despite how people may feel about his political views David Koch has in fact made the world a better place. He ran a division of Koch Industries that turned bacteria and dirty water into clean drinkable water for people all over the world. For many years David Koch studied pollution control designs and he oversaw a division of Koch Industries that created equipment to reduce emissions and pollution on refineries. He contributed hundreds of millions of dollars to medical causes and cancer research centers that greatly enhanced prostate cancer for future individuals. He gave generously to the arts, sciences, and museums that many patrons in New York City benefited from in the past and many many more patrons will still continue to benefit from in the future. Before liberals say awful and vile things they should first have studied what David Koch did with his life before making statements.
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