Well for a while now I have had the Koch transcript from their meeting from June 13, 2014-June 16, 2014 at St. Regis Monarch Bay resort, an agenda of the conference can be found here. It is clear the the people at these meetings are truly dedicated to free markets as the meetings start at 8:45 A.M. and go on until 9 P.M. Some of the meetings included titles like "Saving America: Our Fight to Advance Freedom and Reverse the Country's Decline", and a book discussion with Amity Shales on Calvin Coolidge as the forgotten President, and "Collectivism: Exploring Its Nature and Consequences" by Dr. Victor Davis Hanson. The actual transcript for the meeting fills about 80-90 pages worth of material which is pretty incredible. I have to actually thank Lady Libertine for posting the transcripts on her blog and also providing the audio which can be found here (if you go to the YouTube chanel you can see all of video from the meetings).
Mark Holden Chief Counsel for Koch Industries starts the meeting talking about Democracy Alliance which is the equal on the other political side. Rob McCay heir to Taco Bell fortune, George Soros, Tom Steyer, and Chris Hughes (co-founder of Facebook) are all majors contributors to Democracy Alliance. This is interesting because you generally hear about all the Republican funding even though there is just as much funding on both sides. Mark Holden points out that he will no longer eat at Taco Bell (even though he likes it) after he learned that McKay was a big supporter of Democracy Alliance. Actually according to Holden, Democrats have 172 groups in the "donor network" which is more than 31 groups within the Republican donor networks. Holden points out if you add in Big Labor (labor unions), Democracy Alliance, PACs, and super PACS, will spend around $2.2 billion (we shall see if this actually happens).
Norman Reimer discusses the criminal justice system and how it is is overly abusive (Charles Koch and Mark Holden wrote this op-ed that was published in Politco discussing the overcriminalization of America). What people on the left forget is that libertarians like Charles and David Koch believe people no matter what race, sex, color, or income should be treated equal in the eyes of the law. Reimer quotes interesting statistics "2.1 million people are in prison..the United States has 5% of the world's population yet 25% of the world's prisons".
Richard Fink who earned a PhD in economics from Rutgers gives a lecture on the current situation of America and how to change this course. Fink starts out by giving some stats on the current debt which currently is $16 trillion however including the present value of the unfunded liabilities is roughly $200 trillion. What Fink stresses is the "middle third" or 30% of voters who don't have any ideological preference. The problem with what "collectivists" do according to Fink is "they take people and tell them that you're a victim and the American dream no longer exists..and if they know anything about psychology and about people who have "victimitis" they are the most depressed, unproductive people. They become depressed, they become addicts, or they become aggressive". He goes on to quote that "90% of alcoholics are not psychologically built. They see their lives as without purpose. Same too with addicts same percentage. 85% of students who attempted suicide said life had [had no] meaning".
Charles Koch is one of the last speakers on the final days. He tries to rally everyone together explaining how the fight for liberty needs more freedom fighters. What many people may not realize is how Charles Koch and his family are at risk (Koch has received hundreds of death threats which he discusses in this article) and David Koch has to have security detail travel seen in this article. Koch Industries according to Charles the company has "10 million malicious hacker attempts on [their] IT systems every month" What Charles Koch explains that we have two choices for the future of collectivism or freedom. The definition of collectivism to Charles is "based on the belief that people aren't capable of running their own lives, and those in power are capable of running it for them". One great example of this is the war on poverty which since 1954 we have spent $20 trillion. What is even more interesting is that the rate of poverty has virtually been almost unchanged even after spending vast sums of money. Another interesting statistic is that 1 in 3 jobs now require government permission. If you think about it so many professions (doctors, lawyers, accountants, financial planners, dentists, even repair people) have to be certified by some bureaucratic organization saying that they are deemed okay to work with the general public. Also government subsidies like ethanol increase the cost of food about 35% which generally affects the people who generally elect collectivists.
What seems evident is that the presenters at the Koch seminar don't really say anything that is crazy or evil. What is ironic are the people who often say the Koch brothers are evil, want to pollute the planet, and are just old and rich greedy guys are also the same individuals who want to resort to violence which leads to the death threats. Everyone no matter what political side of the spectrum should be treated with respect. Whether or not you agree with them Charles and David Koch are firm believers in individual liberty and trying to get support from individuals to make sure we can continue being free and prosperous. Society can't prosper when you have few producers and everyone else consuming what the producers create. As of January 2015 close to 93 million people were not working. The economically illiterate usually look the unemployment rate. However, the better measure is the labor participation rate which is near the same percentage as it was in the late 1970's (despite the fact that people can now work at home, some employers offer flexible working hours, and medical care has greatly advanced). What is interesting is that the Koch brothers are attacked for just wanting to get rich and making everyone else poor. However, allowing people to pursue their own interests given their level of capability and talents and allowing them to create value would make everyone better off. By the government requiring permits, certifications, and training (some of which are not needed) makes it financially prohibitive for the people on the lowest rungs of the economic ladder to move up. Not allowing people at the bottom of the economic ladder to improve themselves increases income inequality since they don't have the financial capital, resources, or time to comply with regulation and rules. Charles and David Koch want everyone to succeed which we should find praiseworthy and laudable.