Sunday, September 16, 2012

20,000 Visits! My Journey As A Blogger

I would like to thank everyone who has visited my blog. This blog started on October 30, 2009 and has been going on ever since. What interested me in creating my own blog was actually self-interest. Many people write autobiographies and talk about the changes in thinking that took place over time. I wanted to accomplished somewhat of the same thing in the sense of looking back 10 years from now and seeing what I was thinking. I honestly didn't expect to be blogging for so long but it seems I just got in a habit of writing. Usually I will see something on T.V., hear something on the radio, or read about a news article that will catch my interest.

What has been the most surprising thing is how many international people read my blog. According to the stats around 11,000 people have come from the United States, 1,000 from Russia, about 800 from the U.K., over 700 from India, and 700 from Canada. I am glad I can be spreading my thoughts and ideas around the world. It gives real meaning to the term "World Wide Web".

I am proud of all my work. However, there are some articles that stick out and I am really proud of. About two weekends ago I spent a couple of hours reading articles about the Koch brothers which lead to a three part series . Another article I am proud of and did take some pain-stacking research to obtain was the Koch brothers net worth from 1984-2012. Another article that took some time to work on was this post that looked at the acceptance rate for TCU since 1979.  What is really interesting to me is that my post about natural orifice surgery is my most popular post with close to 2,000 hits. My second most popular post is about Sam Walton. The third most popular post is Myriad owning genes.

I hope to continue thinking and writing to spread the knowledge. In general my blog posts are longer than most because often I go in depth into certain subjects and really want to make sure I cover my bases as opposed to just spending a paragraph talking and giving the reader a link to follow. Hopefully, more people will continue to read my blog and I can continue to repeal the frontiers of ignorance!

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