Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Amazon Price Checker

Amazon.com recently came out with an application for phones that allows individuals to use their phone to scan barcodes of any item and instantly the price of that item. The application will scan the barcode then show the price of item available on Amazon.com.

The other night I was curious about the application so I downloaded it myself. I wasn’t at a store but I started to scan a bunch of books on my shelf and realized how cheap it would be to replace them!

Clearly, Amazon is trying to lure their business their way by showing people that their prices are cheaper. If someone wanted to compete with Amazon they could create an application that could scan every single price online and display the cheapest one. Retailers are upset because they obviously charge higher prices than Amazon. However, although retailers may complain consumers benefit. I doubt you will hear any consumers complain about the application. Would you complain about paying lower prices? In a world filled with millions of prices being able to find a cheaper price is always good. Although, Amazon has low prices they don’t always have the lowest. For instance, I bought some DVD’s from Amazon and then found the exact same DVDs cheaper at Best Buy because they went on sale a day after I bought them. If someone wanted to give Amazon a run for their money they could create an application that could scan the whole internet and all local stores. Also Apple has an application/assistant called Siri that answers questions for people. I am sure in a couple years this application would be able to do similar things by voice recognition. While we’re at it Siri could answer questions like “My car is low on gas where the closest and cheapest place to fill up?” Amazon’s price scanner is turning shopping into a consumer’s paradise.

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