So everyone has been talking about Tiger Woods this holiday season. One of the most widely known icons in the sports world has had his image severely damaged in such a short period of time. Tiger confessed betraying his wife and family. Hopefully, he will learn from these mistakes and not make the same mistakes again. What is interesting though is that Tiger is still the best golf player despite having numerous women on the side. How does Tiger do this?
Woods holds the record for most career earnings for the PGA. As of December 2009, he has made more than $92 million in earnings. In addition to his earnings Tiger had numerous endorsement deals that were worth around $100 million per year. Around October 2009, Tiger hit the $1 billion mark (not bad for someone who went to Stanford trying to get an economics degree) Not only has he made himself a lot of money he has also increased the wealth of Nike. In particular, Nike Golf which was basically unheard of before Tiger came onto the golfing scene is now a $600 million business. So how could the man that had money, fame, and power succumb to the power of one-night stands?
In a interview from 1998 with Larry King when asked about dating Tiger’s response was something along the lines of “Well I am busy so often playing golf so I really don’t have enough time to get to know someone really well”. If you were an international super athlete how much time would you have available to your family, friends, and loved ones? What seems obvious are trade-offs in life. There are trade-offs to everything in life. In this case, Tiger seemed to value other women more importantly than his family and wife. Now it seems as if Tiger is paying the price for his infidelities. It seems as if Tiger has more than an 18 whole course ahead of him.
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