I have been thinking recently about an invention that could greatly improve information in the healthcare industry. In recent years, there have been toilets invented that can check blood pressure, BMI, urine analysis, stool analysis, and much more. TOTO makes a toliet called the "smart toilet". If a toilet was able to analyze all of this can send the results to our doctor or allow people to save the data everyone would have more information. Urine analysis alone can be used to diagnose high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney stones, kidney failure, urinary infections, and liver disease. Stool analysis can help find diseases of the liver and pancreas. In addition to this, it can screen for colon cancer. If the toilet could measure weight (most likely by the force pressed down on the seat) it could provide people with very valuable information. People are literally flushing down valuable information that could be used for preventive care and perhaps save thousands of lives per year. The toilets are currently in Japan but have not debuted in the United States. One problem could be the cost of the toilet. The cost ranges from $4,100-$5,850. Although, this sounds like a lot one group that could benefit from the toilets are hospitals that use the same room over and over again. The toilet could monitor patients without as required care since more tests would be done through the toilet. Competition and technology will ensure over time the prices will go down and the technology will get better. Once prices come down to levels that consumers can afford I believe there will be a better revolution when it comes to diagnosing and preventive care. Usually people don’t go to the doctor they feel or think something is wrong. Information can give people the power to make choices. This is especially important when it comes to healthcare. Not only could people get their results from their home but they would have to avoid going to the doctor and free up the doctor’s time to see patients with more important illnesses.
One problem however is how much people will reveal. Insurance companies could I suppose ask to have some of the information sent to them in order to figure out how much to charge in premiums to customers. Also it may take time before the stool and urine analysis for a toilet become as accurate as those found in a medical lab. Although, I think these are minor issues that I think will be solved in time. Just remember next time you flush what important health information could be going down the toilet too.
One problem however is how much people will reveal. Insurance companies could I suppose ask to have some of the information sent to them in order to figure out how much to charge in premiums to customers. Also it may take time before the stool and urine analysis for a toilet become as accurate as those found in a medical lab. Although, I think these are minor issues that I think will be solved in time. Just remember next time you flush what important health information could be going down the toilet too.