It looks like Shaquille O'Neal is not only a super star basketball player but also a superstar spender. Last year, it was reported that O'Neal spent his money on the following items:
$156,116 in mortgages on three homes
$31,299 in homeowners insurance
$3,345 in phone bills
$1,610 in lawn and pool maintenance
$12,775 in food
$1,495 in cable TV
$24,300 in gas
$6,730 in dry cleaning
$17,220 in clothing
$2,305 for pets
$110,505 in vacations
$26,500 for childcare
-It should be noted that Shaq also has property taxes, state taxes (he pays tax on more than one state because sports stars have to play tax in the state where the game occurs). Shaq’s salary is around $1.8 million per month. Right now he is spending close to $875,000 per month. The good news is that Shaq is probably making $200,000 a month even after spending all this money. Even though he is making over $20 million a year now my question is what will he do after he retires? Clearly, he can't keep up this type of spending. His accountant and financial advisor must be pulling their hair out when they see he is spending this much money.